
  • Guest focus

    We value the guests of the travel agencies and will never forget that they have chosen to spend their holiday with our partners. We see this as an obligation to maintain their loyalty, trust and satisfaction towards the travel agency. We wish to provide the guests with added value, and everything we do is with them in mind.

  • Responsibility

    Together we are stronger, together we create experiences. We place great emphasis on creating an impassioned skiing culture, and we protect our travel destinations, their development and the human relations. We feel responsible for making sure that the guest of the travel agencies are given a safe and amazing skiing experience. We know that leadership is achieve through achievement, and we should never take this for granted.

  • HR

    Our travel agency partners have the best and most competent employees, and they demand that their guests are given better service than anywhere else and create a safe setting for the optimal holiday.

  • Quality awareness

    We protect quality through have high demands for the selection of travel destinations and the business partners providing accommodations and transport as well as the professional competency of the employees.

  • Partnership

    We strive for long-term cooperation (win/win) with out business partners. We streamline operations to achieve cost-effectiveness without compromising on quality.

  • Intimacy

    We and our travel agency partners appreciate the intimacy with our guests and protect family values, place emphasis on time with the children and the social relations between people. We have time for our guests and give them a great personal experience and time for togetherness and relaxation during the holiday. We give our guests the feeling that they are valuable and never forget that intimacy is a conscious act.

  • The skiing expert

    Our more than 20 years of experience in arranging skiing holidays has made us experts in the ski travel destinations that we offer, and this is the guarantee that we can really add value for the guests of the travel agencies and ensure that the skiing holidays are a success.

  • The skiing expert

    Our more than 20 years of experience in arranging skiing holidays has made us experts in the ski travel destinations that we offer, and this is the guarantee that we can really add value for the guests of the travel agencies and ensure that the skiing holidays are a success.